I'm sorry - I know America is supposed to be the land of the dreams and hopes, but it's like, when was that actually a real thing? I think from the very beginning it was all a lie, and it still kind of is. Stop trying to sell the picket fence, because there's another backyard here that you haven't looked at.
I think there is this whole part of America that people overlook. I think they know it's there, but they tend to overlook it, become ignorant to it, and refuse to see it for what it is.
All I know is real life. I don't know how to act. I don't know how to pretend.
Some people are money hungry and don't stop to think of who they're affecting and what really matters. There's a lot of ugly.
I don't know what's next, and I like that idea. It's a little scary, but it's also beautiful. When you're open, anything can come your way.
Everything about acting was either the opposite of my personality or it just didn't seem like something I wanted to be a part of.
I have such love to the point of obsessions of people and their minds, and I'm constantly trying to find the beauty in things, and I think people are such unique and complex creatures.
I suffer a lot with mental health and stuff, so I had to find something that was going to make me OK with who I was and also give me some peace and happiness with being alive. So yeah, I've worked hard on myself.