As my mum still candidly says, I was the runt of the litter.
No one thinks they're irritating. Nobody thinks they're boring. So if you're playing a character like that you have to play them as how they think of themselves.
This stupid celebrity thing is just a consequence of being good at what you do. I mean, no one would photograph David Beckham if he wasn't the best attacking midfielder in the country - much as I hate Man. U!
I haven't got any kids yet and it is something I need to address. I'm sure that, God willing, that'll be the next and most fabulous episode of my little life.
You learn as much from doing a bad film as a good one.
My brothers are both 6 ft. 5 in., and if you have younger brothers who are bigger than you then you have to learn the ancient martial art of sarcasm.
Every film has to be the next something else; originality isn't celebrated because you can't market it.
You want to be appreciated for all your work as opposed to one performance, but I'll always be 'that bloke from 'Lock, Stock'.' You've got to embrace it.