Scott Westerfeld Quotes
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I'm nearly blind. I can hardly see. But I'm taking some herbs. Something quacky.
An Englishman teaching an American about food is like the blind leading the one-eyed.
If the word has the potency to revive and make us free, it has also the power to blind, imprison, and destroy.
Faith... must be enforced by reason... when faith becomes blind it dies.
Because you're not what I would have you be, I blind myself to who, in truth, you are.
Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play.
We have developed overlays for the keys of the cash registers with the help of the Braille Institute, so that blind crew members can take orders and help our guests.
Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.
We have 26,000 genes. But a blind, millimetre-long roundworm with only 959 cells in total already has over 19,000.
Zeal is very blind, or badly regulated, when it encroaches upon the rights of others.
The message of Jesus is summed up partly in the Sermon on the Mount, and partly when he begins his ministry and quotes the passage from Isaiah: 'I have come to set free the prisoners and restore sight to the blind.' And certainly, his mission is also to bring hope. It was to heal people, to befriend the outcast.
I meet blind and partially-sighted young readers all the time, and it's a shock that so few books are available to them.
It behooves every American to encourage home manufactures, that our oppressors may feel through their pockets the effects of their blind folly.
Selfishness is blind.
I'm glad I'm blind and can't see it.
Cage of freedom, that's our prison; we're the jailer and captive combined Cage of freedom, cast in power; all the trappings of our own design. Blind ambition, steals our reason; we're soon behind those invisible bars On the inside, looking outside; to make it safer we double the guard.
But if science may be said to be blind without philosophy, it is true also that philosophy is virtually empty without science.
We are blind to the worlds within us, waiting to be born.
Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.
I gave up on new poetry myself 30 years ago when most of it began to read like coded messages passing between lonely aliens in a hostile world.
It'd be negligent to say that I don't want to be at the top of the charts. Of course I do, it's proof that your song is being heard. But I think it's more about the work for me and being proud of what I'm doing in music than what people think about my music. I want to like my music before you like it. I don't want to sell anything that I don't really like. I don't want to sell myself short just to get to the top of the charts. It doesn't feel that great. Feeling proud of your work feels greater than being at the top of the charts.
I don't decide my politics based on the flavour of the month.
Okay... That's still blind-making.