I was outraged to learn that the president wanted to outsource operations at some American ports to the United Arab Emirates.
Like you, I'm fed up with business as usual in Washington. Send me to Congress, and I won't tweak our broken system. I'll shut it down.
This is not about being liberal. This is not about being conservative. This is about making sure our government works for all Americans.
It's the No.1 issue with people I talk to, whether Republican, Democrat or independent. They want to see the way business is done in Washington change.
To claim that I sympathize with child pornographers is the most despicable low anyone could sink to.
Congress should review and decide on whether or not this deal should proceed.
People know that this district today voted for change in Washington. We sent a message that we will no longer accept business as usual.
Given the record of this administration, 'trust us' is not a safe enough answer for the American people.
You don't need papers to vote...
I have enormous amounts of support. But, yes, if they do split their side, I could conceivably hit that 50 percent mark. It's a winnable race for me.
These are people who want to see change in the way Washington works.
If we do win, it will send a message for change across the country.