Seneca the Younger (Seneca) Quotes
Quotes to Explore
The longest-lived people eat a plant-based diet. They eat meat but only as a condiment or a celebration. Nothing they eat has a plastic wrapper.
People in love don't see gender, colour or religion. Or age. It's about the other person, the one that you love and who loves you. You don't think of them in terms of a label. You just go with your heart.
Realize that the game of life is the game of, to some extent, being taken advantage of by people who make a science of it. Whether they are in government or personal life or in business, they're everywhere.
Winning teams have the least amount of distractions. They have a really tight group of people working towards the same common goal.
I believe, for a long time, protracted wars test the will of any democracy, to be sure, and people will underwrite a protracted war if they see some progress. But if they don't see progress, and it appears to be futile and useless, then that political support begins to evaporate rather quickly.
People in America and Hollywood are very good at pronouncing my name, to begin with. Socially, they're very adept at listening to somebody's name and repeating it, cleverly in the first couple of sentences so the name sticks to begin with.
I don't know too many people who, when the TV announcer says, 'Viewer discretion is advised', then turn the TV off. Those are code words for, 'Turn the sound up; this is gonna be really good.'
I want to organize so that women see ourselves as people who are entitled to power, entitled to leadership.
I liked the more sophisticated urban style of blues like Ray Charles and B. B. King, Bobby Blue Bland, Lou Rawls; people like that with more of a tendency toward jazz.
If you look at a multi-player game, it's the people who are playing the game who are often more valuable than all of the animations and models and game logic that's associated with it.
I feel like the better version of myself is on paper... I'd rather have people know me on paper.
What's important to me is people just being people.
We need to allow people to bypass government... to look to themselves for solving problems rather than asking the government to do things for them.
It might crush a lot of people, but I've never been in the room with an artist that I've written a song for.
People do think you're more intelligent if you have dark hair. But my husband definitely prefers me as a blonde.
It's a very generous culture, American culture. I know you can't generalize 300 million people, but everyone I've met here has been so lovely to me.
The people who make art their business are mostly imposters.
Every single person has the power to change the world and help people.
I know at the beginning of our careers, my wife and I were gut wrenchingly competitive.
I find my characters and stories in many varied places; sometimes they pop out of newspaper articles, obscure historical texts, lively dinner party conversations and some even crawl out of the dusty remote recesses of my imagination.
The lesson adults can learn here is that the world is filled with things for our enjoyment.
I'm competitive. I like to compete, and that's basically what the decathlon lets me do.
I have such admiration for single mothers. I simply don't comprehend how you'd cope with that intensity, the lack of breaks, ever, on your own.
People do not die - they kill themselves.