If you are untrustworthy, people will not trust you.
Lao Tzu -
That the soft overcomes the hard, and the yielding overcomes the resistant, is a fact known by all, but practiced by few.
Lao Tzu
If you are at peace, you are living in the present.
Lao Tzu -
The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things... The complete whole is the complete whole. So also is any part the complete whole... But forget about understanding and harmonizing and making all things one. The universe is already a harmonious oneness; just realize it.
Lao Tzu -
A tree that is unbending, is easily broken.
Lao Tzu -
Let muddy water stand and it will become clear.
Lao Tzu -
He who loves does not dispute: He who disputes does not love.
Lao Tzu -
When pure sincerity forms within, it is outwardly realized in other people's hearts.
Lao Tzu
The one who can dissolve her mind will suddenly discover the Tao at her feet.
Lao Tzu -
The Master doesn't seek fulfillment. For only those who are not full are able to be used which brings the feeling of completeness.
Lao Tzu -
The great Way is easy, yet people prefer the side paths. Be aware when things are out of balance. Stay centered within the Tao.
Lao Tzu -
Nature's way is simple and easy, but men prefer the intricate and artificial.
Lao Tzu -
Ancient masters of excellence had a subtle essence, and a depth too profound to comprehend.
Lao Tzu -
With that gentleness I can be bold; with that economy I can be liberal; shrinking from taking precedence of others, I can become a vessel of the highest honour.
Lao Tzu
You cannot receive what you don't give. Outflow determines inflow.
Lao Tzu -
Every human being's essential nature is perfect and faultless, but after years of immersion in the world we easily forget our roots and take on a counterfeit nature.
Lao Tzu -
If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart.
Lao Tzu -
Rule your mind with serenity rather than with force and manipulation.
Lao Tzu -
Because he (the Sage) opposes no one, no one in the world can oppose him.
Lao Tzu -
An integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing.
Lao Tzu
. . . the integral being is attached to nothing and can relate to everyone with an unstructured attitude. Because of this, her very existence benefits all things.
Lao Tzu -
The way is light and fluid for the man with no preferences.
Lao Tzu -
Not all spiritual paths lead to the harmonious Oneness. Indeed, most are detours and distractions, nothing more.
Lao Tzu -
Battles are followed by years of famine.
Lao Tzu