The value of actions lies in their timing.
Lao Tzu -
Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.
Lao Tzu -
The more prohibitions you have, the less virtuous people will be. Try to make people moral, and you lay the groundwork for vice.
Lao Tzu -
Where there is no conflict, there is no fault.
Lao Tzu -
Things are not worth attending to, yet they have to be attended to.
Lao Tzu -
There is nothing softer and weaker than water, and yet there is nothing better for attacking hard and strong things.
Lao Tzu
The great Way is very straight, but people prefer to deviate.
Lao Tzu -
Health is the greatest possession.
Lao Tzu -
Movement overcomes cold.
Lao Tzu -
Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.
Lao Tzu -
What's the difference between yes and no?
Lao Tzu -
The world's beginning is its mother. To have found the mother is also to know the children. Although you know the children, cling to the mother. Until your last day you will not be harmed.
Lao Tzu
I am at peace, and people become fair by themselves.
Lao Tzu -
There is no greater mistake than to make light of an enemy By making light of an enemy many a kingdom has been lost.
Lao Tzu -
Keep behind, and you shall be put in front; keep out, and you shall be kept in.
Lao Tzu -
Great, it passes on (in constant flow).
Lao Tzu -
The sage does not strive to be great. Thereby he can accomplish the great.
Lao Tzu -
Whoever is planted in the Tao will not be rooted up. Whoever embraces the Tao will not slip away. Her name will be held in honor from generation to generation. Let the Tao be present in your life and you will become genuine. Let it be present in your family and your family will flourish. Let it be present in your country and your country will be an example to all countries in the world. Let it be present in the universe and the universe will sing. How do I know this is true? By looking inside myself.
Lao Tzu
The leader is best, When people are hardly aware of his existence, Not so good when people praise his government, Less good when people stand in fear, Worst, when people are contemptuous. Fail to honor people, and they will fail to honor you. But of a good leader, who speaks little, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, The people say, 'We did it ourselves.'
Lao Tzu -
Meandering leads to perfection.
Lao Tzu -
By moderation one can be generous.
Lao Tzu -
Learn from the people. Plan with the people. Begin with what they have. Build on what they know.
Lao Tzu