Every day you must arise and say to your heart, I have suffered enough and now I must live because the light of the sun must not be wasted, it must not be lost without an eye to appreciate it.
However tall trouble is, man must make himself taller still, even if it means making stilts.
The tale is, in large part, our capital. I was nourished on tales...when an old person dies, a whole library disappears.
Behind one pain there is another. Sorrow is a wave without end. But the horse mustn't ride you, you must ride it.
With their women's bodies and children's eyes, my friends felt quite ready to get the better of existence.
Only the knife knows what goes on in the heart of a pumpkin.
It may well be that all suffering, even the prickles in the canefields, are part of the glory of man.
Men are strong, women are smart, but no matter how smart, their bellies are always there to betray women and that's their downfall.