Not to be born surpasses thought and speech. The second best is to have seen the light and then go back quickly whence we came.
Sophocles -
When I do not understand, I like to say nothing.
Having advanced to the limit of boldness, child, you have stumbled against the lofty pedestal of Justice.
Sophocles -
If it were possible to heal sorrow by weeping and to raise the dead with tears, gold were less prized than grief.
Sophocles -
I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.
Sophocles -
You clearly hate to yield, but you will regret it when your anger has passed. Such natures are justly the hardest for themselves to bear.
Sophocles -
God will not punish the man Who makes return for an injury.
Sophocles -
The joy that comes past hope and beyond expectation is like no other pleasure in extent.
But whoever gives birth to useless children, what would you say of him except that he has bred sorrows for himself, and furnishes laughter for his enemies.
Sophocles -
To the man who is afraid everything rustles.
Sophocles -
A broad-backed ox can be driven straight on his road even by a small goad.
Sophocles -
For this I see, that we, all we that live, Are but vain shadows, unsubstantial dreams.
Sophocles -
It's impossible to speak what it is not noble to do.
Sophocles -
A human being is only breath and shadow.
Wealth makes an ugly person beautiful to look on and an incoherent speech eloquent; and wealth alone can enjoy pleasure even in sickness and can conceal its miseries.
Sophocles -
How dreadful knowledge of the truth can be when there's no help in truth!
Sophocles -
I have nothing but contempt for the kind of governor who is afraid, for whatever reason, to follow the course that he knows is best for the State; and as for the man who sets private friendship above the public welfare - I have no use for him either.
Sophocles -
In season, all is good.
Sophocles -
What house, bloated with luxury, ever became prosperous without a woman's excellence?
Sophocles -
Who feels no ills, should, therefore, fear them; and when fortune smiles, be doubly cautious, lest destruction come remorseless on him, and he fall unpitied.
If one begins all deeds well, it is likely that they will end well too.
Sophocles -
If you are out of trouble, watch for danger. And when you live well, then consider the most your life, lest ruin take it unawares.
Sophocles -
It's terrible when the one who does the judging judges things all wrong.
Sophocles -
One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession.