My responsibility is to follow the law.
I don't think it is just in the world of politics. The lack of civility in society as a whole, some of it, I believe, is very much fueled by social media and frankly, it's fueled by the fact that journalism is not journalism any more.
I moved out when I was 17 to get away from a pretty tough and difficult family environment.
I think that for a child to be in a household... with a situation where the parents are not married, as in being one man and one woman, is not the best household for a child.
It's been clear for some time that FBI Director Comey has lost the confidence of Republicans, Democrats, and broader institutions, and his removal as FBI Director was probably overdue.
Obamacare was passed months before my first day at Komen.
We need to lift up the nation so we can find a more civil way to deal with our disagreements because, in these United States of America, no one should ever feel their life threatened over their political beliefs and positions.
Creating more and better jobs is how you build a strong economy.
Bullies always have another target.
What I support is moving Medicaid to block grants so that the states can drive that process.
In life, sometimes you just lose.
I will ensure the conservative legacy and leadership of Tom Price, Johnny Isakson, and Newt Gingrich will continue.
I've had to be tough my whole life.
I'm not going to be lectured by Nathan Deal, who is a former Clinton Democrat. I will stack up my conservative credentials against his any day of the week.
These immigrants have come to our country and blatantly disregarded our laws. We cannot, we should not, reward that. No amnesty. No ability to vote. Get those borders secure, and then deal with that situation.
I'm proud of the fact that I was able to overcome long odds.
Hard work and making the most of life - that's what makes Georgians great.
A small part of my job at Komen included advocating that mammogram screenings be covered under plans available on the exchanges - just as they are covered in other plans in Georgia.
I left home when I was just 17, finished up high school, and went to work.
I try not to look back on my life and be regretful.
I worked my way up in the private sector and implemented Georgia's tough voter ID law.
I have much greater faith in the governor and the state legislature to craft a Medicaid system that is going to be the best fit for the people of Georgia rather than someone in Washington dictating it.
It's no secret that I'm called to a different place, maybe, for some of the beliefs in the LGBTQ community because of my faith. With that said, I'm also called to be accepting and compassionate.
I know exactly what it is like to fight against the odds and to overcome adversity.