I would not have so many scripts being driven by demographics. The play's the thing - not the 18-35 year old male age group.
You can't beat life when you consider the alternatives.
Marriage isn’t about the good days. Anyone can make a life with anyone else when you are having a good day. Marriage is about the bad days. When you have lost confidence. When you have been hurt. Or failed. Or gotten angry. Or made a terrible mistake. That is when the power of a marriage reveals itself.
I think I started realizing I was losing my hair when I was in Illinois. And it was traumatic. It was not something I had figured on in my life.
It's funny how we imagine that lifelong relationships have to be build on a mountain top of moments, so huge they're written across the sky in letters a mile wide. But I knew a skywriter once and he told me the letters are just strategically placed puffs of smoke that are easily blown away. In reality, a life together is made of the simplest, smallest things.
The element that people don't consider is that a friendship is about the only relationship we experience that is mutually voluntary. It is not really bound by family, money, or jobs. It is only bound by inclination. Once that is gone. It is gone. It feels powerful… it's not. It is delicate.
Comfort is the enemy of the artist.
It seems like people make the mistake of thinking love is about the bedroom. It's not. It's about the emergency room. Love and marriage is who will sit there and wait