The Senate needs 60 votes to pass anything. They have to compromise with liberal Democrats to spend more money. Even though arguably we have control of the Senate, we really don't.
Just because people are in authority, if it doesn't seem right, don't do it. If it violates your own principles, don't do it.
There's so much mudslinging going on, and people get so turned off by that. It seems like neither party is aware of that. They're too concerned with blasting each other.
I think it's very easy to get corrupted.
You have to starve the Beast. That's one of the most important things about tax cuts. If you leave the money in Washington, it's going to be spent.
If people use common sense and their own guiding moral compass, I think they'll generally stay out of trouble.
Politics is a contact sport.
Too often, they play to whatever group is the loudest down at City Hall, and they buy them off, essentially.
Traditional marriage between a man and a woman has been a cornerstone of our society for generations. If we are going to change that, it ought to be done by the will of the people.
Go by your own conscience.
There is insufficient support for the police and safety and law enforcement, in general, in the city council.
We've passed an energy bill in the House, to help us be less reliant upon foreign oil so we can get gas prices down. But nothing happens in the Senate.
I would like to see additional funding for entrepreneurial development programs.
The liberals are fighting so hard whenever President Bush appoints any federal judges.