The idea of multiculturalism, that every culture is equal - that's not objectively true.
I'm more the conscience of the conservative than I am someone looking for consensus.
We should recognize that on the day that we are born, our glass is half full. In America your chance to fill your glass the rest of the way up is greater than it is anyplace else on this planet.
But we need to quit taxing people upon death. No taxation without respiration.
Rewarding law breakers produces more law breakers.
My faith, and especially my faith as a Catholic, does inform me and does guide me.
Equal justice under the law, even if it's your mother. That was a point of admiration in our household. It was drilled into me.
Great American leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. worshipped God just as our Founding Fathers did. We must never forget this important aspect of our heritage or use it as a political bargaining chip.