If the materialistic west is a civilisation without a heart, as we are accustomed to regard it nowadays, ours, on the other hand is one without a soul.
Drama as an art is quite unspeakable, although some old plays are admirable as a form of vulgar amusement.
When we come to poetry, we can't fancy a more poverty stricken predicament.
Music is a paradise lost to us long long ago, perhaps never to be regained.
My personal experience has only discovered two classes of people in China; Cynics who despise love and cowards who are afraid of it.
And then there are those ninth grade followers of European methods, who are as puerile in technique as they are void in imagination.
Our sages are preoccupied ... with the not very easy task of equilibrating and harmonising the obvious impulses that men share with their fellow beings, such as food and sex.
Love, is transcendental and transfiguring, and being transfigured through that mysterious force, one's mortal eyes.