Money power cannot be separated from democratic power without miscarriage and ensuing frustration - political and economic. Democracy implies the sovereignty of man; and, since man cannot be sovereign without the money power, there can not be democracy under the political money system.
Edwin Clarence Riegel -
Until we realize that our money power is our sovereign power we cannot act as sovereigns
Edwin Clarence Riegel
Money can be issued only in the act of buying, and can be backed only in the act of selling. Any buyer who is also a seller is qualified to be a money issuer. Government, because it is not and should not be a seller, is not qualified to be a money issuer.
Edwin Clarence Riegel -
The greatest enemy of mankind is his ignorance of the inherent money power in all of us. When the realization of this comes to man, he will like Samson, push down the walls of his prison.
Edwin Clarence Riegel -
Money power means budget power and it is folly to imagine that the citizen can control government unless he can control its budget.
Edwin Clarence Riegel -
As has been stated, the purpose of money is to split barter into two parts so that the seller is free to find his source of supply later and elsewhere. This is the sole purpose of money. Any effort to use money to serve another purpose is perversive; and this statement condemns the entire managed money philosophy.
Edwin Clarence Riegel