It is a great honor for me to be able to express my sincere gratitude to the Nobel Foundation.
From the age of 11, I was cleaning floors, washing dishes, making sandwiches and being a cashier. Survival was the name of the game. Life was so hard that I had to struggle to keep up my standards. Under these conditions, I didn't think about science too much.
People always talk about the implication and applications of a process, but for me, the goal is purely about knowledge. Knowledge can become practical today, in 20 years, or in 500 years. Ask Newton. He didn't know there would be space research based on his accident with the apple.
After I spent my compulsory army service in the 'top secret office' of the Medical Forces, where I was fortunate to be exposed to clinical and medical issues, I enrolled to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Once, when I tried to calculate the height of the balcony, I broke my arm. Another time, I wanted to see if water moves faster than kerosene. When my father came out to smoke, a fire broke out.
When a man sits in our jails for a number of years, and around him friends and family become angry, that is how we create terrorists.
I don't distinguish between men and women. This is irrelevant to me, and I don't think in these terms.
DNA is a code of four letters; proteins are made up of amino acids which come in 20 forms. So the ribosome is a very clever machine that reads one language and operates in another.
During my time I had some very difficult years, and I had very pronounced competition, all by men.
The Weizmann Institute showed me respect and didn't require many administrative tasks, so I was quite independent. I did what I wanted.
I used ribosomes from very, very robust bacteria under very, very active conditions and found a way - I actually took advantage of research done before me at the Weizmann, the same institute I am now - how to preserve their activity and their integrity while they crystallized.
The ribosome is a machine that gets instructions from the genetic code and operates chemically in order to produce the product.
My kindergarten teacher encouraged me to learn, as did my school headmaster, who gave me a grant to study.