If he had had no education, maybe Basho could have been a much greater poet.
Nanao Sakaki -
To stay young,
Nanao Sakaki
To stay young, To save the world, Break the mirror.
Nanao Sakaki -
If you have time to chatter, Read books. If you have time to read, Walk into mountain, desert and ocean. If you have time to walk, Sing songs and dance. If you have time to dance, Sit quietly, you Happy Lucky Idiot.
Nanao Sakaki -
Just Enough Soil for legs Axe for hands Flower for eyes Bird for ears Mushrooms for nose Smile for mouth Songs for lungs Sweat for skin Wind for mind.
Nanao Sakaki -
I don't climb mountains. Mountains climb me. The mountain is myself. I climb on myself.
Nanao Sakaki