Flattery leads to vulgarity; the flatterer is despised.
It is a great mitzvah to be happy always.
More men die from overeating than undernourishment.
Always help the persecuted.
There is Truth, the truth of the Truth and there is Peace. The Truth is 'the boy stole an apple', the truth of the Truth is 'the boy was hungry' and Peace is 'nobody stole anything, now, give the boy an apple!'
If we do not help a man in trouble, it is as if we caused the trouble.
Common sense is strengthened by joy.
A modest woman has good children.
The prosperity of a country can be seen simply in how it treats its old people.
A mitzvah that costs money is worth more than one that costs nothing.
Those who are pure of heart find new thoughts whenever they meditate.
Victory cannot tolerate truth.
If you are not a better person tomorrow than you are today, what need have you for a tomorrow?
An angry man is unfit to pray.
Faith is not only in the heart; it should be put into words.
Whenever a treaty of peace is signed, God is present.
Worldly riches are like nuts; many a tooth is broke in cracking them, but never is the stomach filled with eating them.
God forgets those who reject proof that they are wrong.
You are wherever your thoughts are, make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.
A strict master will not have understanding sons.
The man who acts humble in order to win praise is guilty of the lowest form of pride.
A man should believe in God through faith, not because of miracles.
Unfounded hate only multiplies quarrels.
To revive a man is no slight thing.