If you just had an inspiration at night or with a girl or whatever and you want to talk about it, you don't necessarily want to share it with everybody . . . That's the first thing that made me want to go solo; I wanted to talk about my own things, I wanted to try to be creative [in] my own way.
In North America, hip-hop and urban music are much more developed than it could be in Europe, except for a couple of markets like France, for example, or Germany, they're a little bit more aware.
Music should always be just a celebration.
I've always liked fashion but maybe not to the point that I was so sick about it that I wanted to draw my own things.
Everything goes so fast that you wake up suddenly after 5 years and you just feel like you want to talk about different [things] than everybody in the group, you want to talk about your own things.
The difference is that they [Europeans] don't have that culture about hip-hop as a lifestyle, a way of life; for them it's more of the new trend, the new music that you have to like.
I came to a point where I couldn't walk into an urban store and find anything I liked. Everything was just getting too baggy, everything was getting so over [priced]. It's as if what I wanted in street wear was nowhere in stores, with no disrespect to any hip-hop brands.
I've always liked fashion, I've always made sure that I was dressed properly; the way I looked was always important to me.