Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you.
Virginia Foxx -
The bill is emblematic of the attempt by the majority party to control every aspect of our lives.
Virginia Foxx
Democrats believe they can win at the ballot box by obstructing, and they would rather win the next election than move America forward.
Virginia Foxx -
In the face of terrorism, a united front is one of the strongest weapons.
Virginia Foxx -
Adult stem cells tend not to form tumors.
Virginia Foxx -
Democrat leaders are not only out of the American mainstream, but are also out of the Democratic mainstream.
Virginia Foxx -
Obesity among young Americans is a serious problem that can have serious ramifications in the long run.
Virginia Foxx -
The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980, and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet.
Virginia Foxx
There is an abundance of misinformation, exaggeration, and blatant lies being spread by interest groups regarding the prospects for embryonic stem cell research.
Virginia Foxx -
The life expectancy is much longer today than it was when Social Security was created.
Virginia Foxx -
America does not fight for land, glory or riches.
Virginia Foxx -
China's idea of fair trade is government subsidies of its textile and apparel exports to the United States, currency manipulation, and forgiveness of loans by its government banks.
Virginia Foxx -
[The Republican plan will] make sure we bring down the cost of health care for all Americans and that ensures affordable access for all Americans and is pro-life because it will not put seniors in a position of being put to death by their government.
Virginia Foxx -
Our brave soldiers and support personnel are engaged in a battle as important as any the United States has ever before waged, for the success of democracy in Iraq is a crucial test of the ideals this Nation was founded upon.
Virginia Foxx
In times of war, it is often best to look to our history to see how past generations of Americans dealt with the loss of their countrymen in just causes.
Virginia Foxx -
A stem cell is essentially a blank cell capable of becoming another, more differentiated cell-type in the body, such as a skin cell, a muscle cell or a nerve cell.
Virginia Foxx -
The American flag is the most recognized symbol of freedom and democracy in the world.
Virginia Foxx -
China is crippling our manufacturing economy and eliminating our jobs by illegally flooding our markets.
Virginia Foxx -
I like the idea of giving workers control and putting their money into their personal accounts.
Virginia Foxx -
Republicans are pushing legislation forward that will improve the effectiveness of and bring more accountability to U.S. foreign assistance around the world and bring democracy even further into the light.
Virginia Foxx
Liberty is not the unique right of Americans or even Westerners, but is mankind's right.
Virginia Foxx -
This bill reminds me of the tactics of the former Soviet Union - and we know how successful that was.
Virginia Foxx -
One poll shows that by 61 percent to 29 percent Americans under 40 say that Social Security needs to be fixed.
Virginia Foxx -
A terrorist network that believes a nation so tested will fold under pressure of a few horrific acts may capture its attention, but will not achieve its submission.
Virginia Foxx