To obey the Lord unseen—in secret—is the foundation of genuine godly service.
All too often, it seems, we're willing to be students of Christianity rather than disciples of Christ.
If something fit in with what God had said to me, then I considered it. If not - no matter how attractive it appeared - I refused. The secret of following God's will, I discovered, usually is wrapped up in rejecting the good for God's best.
Every truth in this world stretched beyond its limits will become a false doctrine.
Lifting your eyes from the things of this world is an activity that must begin WHERE YOU ARE.
The secret of following God's will, I discovered, usually is wrapped up in rejecting the good for God's best.
Since when has obedience to Christ and His Gospel become optional to Christianity?
The most important factor in abandoning our thoughts is to look in the Bible and see what God says about a matter. Then we must determine to act on His Word rather than on our own thoughts or those the devil may whisper into our minds.
The most unhappy people in the world are the ones who live only for themselves. All that they do, they do only for their own sake. For these self- centered individuals, the most precious things in the world is their ‘self.’ Like a cancer that eats and destroys its own cells, the self-centered individual is slowly dying inwardly.
Yet so often it seems that victory eludes us. It is when our self-confidence is finally destroyed and is replaced with dependence upon God that we have victory.
Love was the bedrock of Jesus' life, the very reason He came to seek and save the lost.
When our service for the Lord becomes so busy that we forget the Lord Himself, it is time to stop everything and seek Him.
My plea to the Body of Christ is while we must do all we can to meet the needs of the suffering and dying millions, we must not see these activities as a substitute for evangelism and establishing churches among the unreached.
Maybe it doesn't seem like anyone ever watches or appreciates you. Maybe no one on earth understands you. But your King is always watching you. Do it all for Him.
Prayer need not be an activity we engage in for only an hour each morning. Rather, let us live in the atmosphere of prayer, our hearts continually being lifted up in prayer to Him.
As long as Christian life remains our life we will not understand the Christ of the New Testament. You are not your own.
For Noah, preaching 120 years without results meant choosing the hard road year after year. Nehemiah, building the wall of Jerusalem, faced constant harassment by enemies from within and without. We cannot honestly, authentically, reasonably and deliberately serve our Lord without our willingness to accept difficulties and inconveniences.
Every Christian leader should have this engraved in his subconscious. No matter what you do, never take yourself too seriously God always chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He shows his might only on the behalf of those who trust in Him. Humility is the place where all christian service begins.
Part of the sin of Pride is a subtle but deep racism.
Is this really the church of Christ, or are we just calling it the church because of our traditions and history?
It is a lifelong choice to deliberately and habitually bring ourselves under God’s authority.
I believe, as followers of Christ, we are commanded to reach out to the least of these in the name of Jesus and show them they matter a great deal to God, who sacrificed His only Son to reach them with His love.
We must pay a price to touch godliness through daily decision to die to self and embrace the cross.
My precious brothers and sisters, I come to you today speaking on behalf of Christ, His love and His mercy for us all. Jesus came to set the captives free. And He Himself said that whoever the Son sets free, is free indeed . . . We love you with Christ's love, unconditionally and always.