Do not slip into writing for the mind and the mind alone. In other words, do not play merely upon our ability to reason. And do not focus only on visuals. Write for the whole person.
Descartes, the Frenchman, had little trouble knowing that he existed.
You fainted,' Tom said. Reg coughed. No, I didn't,' he said. 'Women faint. People afraid of needles faint. Men black out.
Columbus was the first to come to the east. Vikings don't count, and neither do all the people who were standing on the beaches and waving when he got here.
What I say is, don't go playing unless you can win. Only sit down to chess with idiots, only kick a dog what's dead already, and don't love a lady unless she loves you first.
If you knew the meaning of life, would you necessarily like it?
Truth: We are the present. We are now. We are the razor's edge of history. The future flies at us and from that dark blur we shape the past. And the past is forever.
The fall of man did not introduce evil; it placed us on the wrong side of it, under its rule, needing rescue.
If God gives you (or makes you) a joke, what are you meant to do in response? (Receive it. Laugh.)
Summer has come with the loveliness of a mother Heat, not warmth, now pours onto my face, aging me, taking me closer to death.
God's big enough that small doesn't matter.
The moon was up, painting the world silver, making things look just a little more alive.