The sad side of a woman's life. We do as we like and we never realise what damage it is leading to.
In past wars only homes burnt, but this time Don't be surprised if even loneliness ignites. In past wars only bodys burnt, but this time Don't be surprised if even shadows ignite.
If you truly love someone, you only give love. Even if the person hates, you love and love and love.
When forgetting someone becomes difficult. You don't understand what to do.
Sometimes, these questions come in everyone's mind. Self-doubt is bad and it ruins everything for us.
The heartbroken soul screams. Love and heartbreak go hand in hand.
You need to know what is worth letting go. And this generally comes with time and patience.
When you decide to let go and be free. When you remember everything that you decided to let go earlier.
When there's just too much confusion. You simply don't understand what to do.
We all are humans first. There is no religion that defines us.
This is so beautiful! True love is when they don't do it.
This one is deep. When they find reasons to accuse you.
This is a famous one. Tell us what you feel about it.
When people just go with the flow. They forget what true living is.
What's meant to happen, will happen. This is the most optimistic quote.
I made a promise to myself. This promise became the reason of the distress.
There are less moments to be near and happy. And more moments that keep you away. Live those moments which keep you close and near the ones you love.
When you have no control on your emotions. Now, this is dilemma.
All we crave for is some love in life. Love is all that we need.
Life has become a compromise.
When people change and there is nothing that you can do about it. We change, we hurt our people, we realise, we change again.
When you learn to live life. And then you realise that people change.
This man is a legend! And his words weave magic.
What's gone is gone. You cannot change things so what is the point in being an overthinker?