Terrorism, ladies and gentlemen, in my eyes I have a very, very, very simple explanation. Gangs of criminals, killers, used unfortunately by certain governments in the past for political purposes, who are on their own now as gangs.
Afghanistan is very satisfied with Croatia's participation in the NATO-led peace mission and expects Croatia to expand its contribution to peace restoration in Afghanistan to other areas as well.
People in Afghanistan want peace, including the Taliban. They're also people like we all are. They have families, they have relatives, they have children, they are suffering a tough time.
No foreigner has a place asking another people, another country, to change their constitution.
If it is terrorism, if it is war on terror, then the Afghan people will join you on terror.
Terrorism as a force is gone. As individuals they are all around and we will continue to look for them.
We are not America. We are Afghanistan.
Democracy as a system of government may indeed be unprecedented in Afghanistan, but democracy as a way of life, a set of principles and values, is deeply embedded in our society.
Every time we ignore the suffering of others or stand by and watch, we do not only act against our own interests but we violate a part of our humanity.
Today, while celebrating the jihad victory, we once again invite those who have sided with aliens because of seduction against their nation, to give up sedition and evil and join peaceful life.
We must not turn away when we hear the cries of the hungry. We must not stand by when we see the killing and terrorizing of the innocent. We should not wait until hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of our fellow human beings have died as occurred in Afghanistan, before we act.
On my graduation there was a party by the junior students, and I was given a hair brush as a gift - if I take off my hat, you know what I mean.(laughter)
My problem is that I am perhaps too much of a democrat for this time of the country's life. If you need a dictator, then go to the Afghan people. Let them elect a dictator. I am not one of those.
There is no doubt that people are angry. When a family is hit by a bomb and I am the president here with the responsibility - when a suicide bomb takes places and murders the people of this nation - I am the president of this country and it is my responsibility to bring peace to these people.