One of the young production assistants (on 'Terminator: Salvation') stepped over to my chair and said, 'Mr. Ironside, are you any relation to the Ironside who was in 'Top Gun'?' And I said, 'I am, yes.' And she grinned and said, 'I knew it! Talent must run in your family!' And she walked away. And all of the producers and directors kind of looked at me uncertainly, and I said, 'What are you guys so uncomfortable for? That's an incredible compliment. I do look like the father of that guy, for Christ's sake!'
If anything, I want to bring television back up to where it will entertain and engage a gamer.
People are either enamored with me or wonder if they can take me.
I like to play bad guys, since good guys are always beaten up several times during the movie. Bad guys are beaten only once, in the end.
Figuring things out for yourself is the only freedom anyone really has. Use that freedom.
When I was in art college, I would be painting, and I would create something on a canvas that was actually quite attractive. But if I got frightened and tried to protect that, that canvas would die.
I'm never going to be the lead actor guy. I'm real quiet and real happy and real fortunate to keep working. It's what I do. It's like the circus. I ran away and joined it a long time ago.
My M.O. over the years is that I make things better, where people give me that freedom.