Even during the cuts. He was Rust Cohle during the whole day of shooting. It wasn't until the end of the day that he went back to Matthew 'Just Keep Livin' McConaughey.
My acting teacher, Earle Gister. He had a genius for knowing exactly where every one of us were in our development as actors. He always knew precisely what to say or suggest to unlock a moment. He somehow always made it seem like it was our idea. I call him 'The Invisible Hand.'
I'll use any excuse to buy a new backpack.
If you had asked me when I was in Yale, I would tell you I never would have thought it would happen because I just didn't think of myself of having the Hollywood look.
I've gotten to jump into a lot of different things. And either being bold enough or dumb enough or naive enough to believe I could play them all, it's an exercise of self-delusion.
I'm a lousy dancer.
I had pinned all my hopes on the theater.