It showed all the bad points I have. That was about the worst outcome I could imagine. My delivery was off and the pitches were bad.
I'm very happy and excited to be a member of the Boston Red Sox.
I have been trained to throw many, many pitches.
I'm the type of pitcher that definitely gets stronger and better adjusted to the batters as the season goes on.
Looking at the players that are truly successful, you see the durability and long careers. Those are the players I respect and look up to. I hope to become a player like that.
We came over here with one goal in mind to show the world our quality of baseball.
I was not convinced with the outcome. One day off helped. I was rejuvenated. We know that from now on we cannot lose.
I'm excited I had a chance to play on the best team ever. With the world championship on the line, I was really proud I did a good job.