Daily vitamins are of no value.
There are always potential side effects for every vaccine.
I understand the horrors of having no insurance, but, believe me, eight hours of sleep and good meals are NOT going to prevent you from getting sick. Don't gamble with your life; it's a stupid bet.
I think it's too soon to say that, and I think, basically - most of the people that I ran across and most of the studies that I saw suggest people don't go to McDonald's to eat healthy food. They go to eat fries and cheeseburgers.
I started to write about science and medicine at the Washington Post, in the early days of the AIDS epidemic.
I think it is true that you can eat extremely healthy food at McDonald's, and you can eat amazingly badly at Chipotle.
I have never earned one penny from any pharmaceutical company. I will never accept one penny from them either. Ever.
It is not possible to assert publicly that Monsanto is anything other than venal without being accused of being a sellout, a fraud, or worse.
In the Internet age, with the screaming on the radio, etc., it is hard to know what to believe and who is informed and who is not.
Flu is easily transmitted, so if you are working with sick people - who are most at risk for getting seriously ill - you ought to be vaccinated. I am not really equipped to say whether it should be the law or not.