Any attempt at willful ignorance would now be futile or worse; the only talisman against excessive knowledge that might have puissance would be more knowledge.
You can really do more than you think you can do.
If I had parallel lives to pursue, I would also want one as a painter.
What moral obligation do you have to those who willfully refuse to open their eyes and deem you mad for seeing?
At that moment, I do now truly believe, the deed was done, in the sense that the decision of the will is the true essence of the act.
The world has become more complex as technology and easy travel mixes cultures without homogenizing them.
The appreciation of the connoisseur is the highest pleasure of the artiste.
Social morality requires a shared matrix of communal reality to which to relate thought and deed, and the illusion of an objective ethical esthetic requires at the very least the conviction that objective reality is more than a contradiction in terms.