Do what is right, not what you think the high headquarters wants or what you think will make you look good.
The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.
You learn far more from negative leadership than from positive leadership. Because you learn how not to do it. And, therefore, you learn how to do it.
I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is to arrange the meeting.
To be an effective leader, you have to have a manipulative streak - you have to figure out the people working for you and give each tasks that will take advantage of his strength.
Any soldier worth his salt should be antiwar. And still there are things worth fighting for.
Good generalship is a realization that... you've got to try and figure out how to accomplish your mission with a minimum loss of human life.
True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job.
It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.
All you have to do is hold your first soldier who is dying in your arms, and have that terribly futile feeling that I can't do anything about it... Then you understand the horror of war.