There's no unifying brand about me other than I'm a writer who shares my thoughts. Sometimes my thoughts are designed to help people, and other times, my thoughts are designed to change the political system and challenge those who need a good fight.
Anything with Soros, I lay low. People kind of just roll their eyes when you bring him up.
I care about national sovereignty of America.
I don't take anything Hillary Clinton is going to say at all as true. I'm not going to take her on her word.
People want a little excitement. I tell the truth, but I do it theatrically.
Nobody tells you how to be famous.
The only tweets I feel bad about are the fat-chick ones.
Backing Trump has been bad for business.
In the jungle, size is king. Women like big men. That's just evolution.
Democracy doesn't mean I always get my way. It doesn't mean we always get what we want.
Trump must've been an extraordinary father to have raised well-adjusted kids.
Netflix is a pro-SJW business, so it pains me to give them $8 a month.
Until the Right wins for once, I have no interest in arguing with the alt-right or disavowing anyone.
When you're telling the truth and ahead of the mainstream media - like The Daily Caller, Breitbart, Cernovich, and other truth-tellers - then they're going to think you're wrong, because they can't see what you see.