To be successful in my native France, where people speak the same language and understand me, is nothing.
I think you have to pay for love with bitter tears.
As far as I'm concerned, love means fighting, big fat lies, and a couple of slaps across the face.
I've been thinking about Jesus. Don't you find it a bit strange that, since He was living with His family and all, He up and left them just when they needed him most?
I'd like to see one person - just one - who would own up to having been a coward.
Tell me what you'd like to hear me sing. I'll sing whatever you like, after which I'll take up a collection, if you don't mind.
To sing is to bring to life; impossible if the words are mediocre, however good the music.
If God has allowed me to earn so much money, it is because He knows I give it all away.
All I've done all my life is disobey.
I wouldn't mind at all coming back to earth after my death.
People say that I could sing the phone book and make it sound good.
Death does not exist.
Don't care what people say. Don't give a damn about their laws.
Singing is a way of escaping. It's another world. I'm no longer on earth.
Death is the beginning of something.
I want to make people cry even when they don't understand my words.
I don't want to die an old lady.
Money? How did I lose it? I never did lose it. I just never knew where it went.
I've always wanted to sing, just as I've always known that one day I would have my own niche in the annals of song. It was a feeling I had.