Love is not love until love's vulnerable.
Theodore Roethke -
Long live the weeds that overwhelm My narrow vegetable realm! The bitter rock, the barren soil That force the son of man to toil; All things unholy, marred by curse, The ugly of the universe.
Theodore Roethke
A lively understandable spirit Once entertained you. It will come again. Be still. Wait.
Theodore Roethke -
I measure time by how a body sways.
Theodore Roethke -
Let others probe the mystery if they can.Time-harried prisoners of Shall and Will -The right thing happens to the happy man.
Theodore Roethke -
I am overwhelmed by the beautiful disorder of poetry, the eternal virginity of words.
Theodore Roethke -
May my silences become more accurate.
Theodore Roethke -
Too much reality can be a dazzle, a surfeit;Too close immediacy an exhaustion
Theodore Roethke
How body from spirit slowly does unwind, until we are pure spirit at the end.
Theodore Roethke -
And what a congress of stinks!- Roots ripe as old bait, Pulpy stems, rank, silo-rich, Leaf mold, manure, lime, piled against slippery planks, Nothing would give up life: Even the dirt kept breathing a small breath.
Theodore Roethke -
The light comes brighter from the east; the cawOf restive crows is sharper on the ear.
Theodore Roethke -
Reason? That dreary shed, that hutch for grubby schoolboys.
Theodore Roethke -
Death was not. I lived in a simple drowse:Hands and hair moved through a dream of wakening blossoms.Rain sweetened the cave and the dove still called;The flowers leaned on themselves, the flowers in hollows;And love, love sang toward.
Theodore Roethke -
The mind enters itself, and God the mind, And one is One, free in the tearing wind.
Theodore Roethke
Art is the means we have of undoing the damage of haste. It's what everything else isn't.
Theodore Roethke -
I have gone into the waste lonely places
Theodore Roethke -
I'm sure I've been a toad, one time or another. With bats, weasels, worms...I rejoice in the kinship. Even the caterpillar I can love, and the various vermin.
Theodore Roethke -
How terrible the need for God.
Theodore Roethke -
The indignity of it!- With everything blooming above me, Lilies, pale-pink cyclamen, roses, Whole fields lovely and inviolate,- Me down in the fetor of weeds, Crawling on all fours, Alive, in a slippery grave.
Theodore Roethke -
My truths are all foreknown,This anguish self-revealed.I'm naked to the bone,With nakedness my shield.
Theodore Roethke
I can hear, underground, that sucking and sobbing, In my veins, in my bones I feel it,- The small water seeping upward, The tight grains parting at last. When sprouts break out, Slippery as fish, I quail, lean to beginnings, sheath-wet.
Theodore Roethke -
A too explicit elucidation in education destroys much of the pleasure of learning. There should be room for sly hinters, masters of suggestion.
Theodore Roethke -
So much of adolescence is an ill-defined dying, An intolerable waiting, A longing for another place and time, Another condition.
Theodore Roethke -
Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.
Theodore Roethke