You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue.
Loneliness Is Not The Absence Of Affection, But The Absence Of Direction.
Your rewards in life are determined by the kinds of problems you are willing to solve for someone.
Attack is the proof that your enemy anticipates your success.
What you do daily determines what you become permanently
You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.
When wrong people leave your life, wrong things stop happening
You will only be remembered for two things: the problems you solve or the ones you create.
The longevity of every relationship is decided by the willingness to forgive
Popularity is when other people like you. Happiness is when you like yourself.
Every champion has discovered that pain is seasonal. It will pass... Don't be discouraged by it. A New Day is about to dawn in your life!
God loves you because of whom you are but he blesses you because of what you do.