I remembered what had been circling in me: I am beautiful. I am full of love. I am dying.
Here it is: the new way of living with the world inside of us so we cannot lose it, and we cannot be lost. You and me are us and then, and it and sky.
If we could light up the room with pain, we’d be such a glorious fire.
Here is my sacrifice: my hummingbird landing in a stranger’s palm.
I'm always telling my students that the weirdest thing is the truth. I mean, the fact that we get up in the morning and put on clothes is weird.
There's so much rage in the world now and I'm finding poems to be the place where I want to stay. I rage and rage and then write a poem and return to breathing.
And I never knew survival was like that. If you live, you look back and beg for it again, the hazardous bliss before you know what you would miss.
I will play on this blessed earth until I die.
People have done this before, but not us.
Language can also be play and music and beauty and desire and grief and rage and truth without always having to be message-driven or purely functional. Moving away from "useful" doesn't mean it isn't necessary. You can still need poetry while also needing money or food or physical health.