The idea that you must bathe every day is, to a certain extent, a manufacture on the part of the soap industry.
We don't claim to be infallible. I don't claim to be giving you truths from on high.
I think people are better for having learned, even if they aren't happier.
I don't claim to have all the answers; after all, I'm just a comedian who reads a lot.
Generational thinking has always been reductive and condescending.
I want people to know the truth. That's what drives me. That there is truth in the world to know, and once you know it, you have a responsibility to share it.
That's something I learned as a philosophy major: The philosophy ethos is, always question, never rest.
I need to challenge myself and to try to improve my knowledge. That's my goal.
In a live setting, the audience is trapped and can't leave. That really makes the audience be with you and laugh more because you're there.
We have a more intimate relationship with food than with almost anything else we buy, so people are with very good reason concerned about the real story behind what they eat.