Suffering without faith would be like love without hope.
The ability to suffer and the ability to love are one.
The first step in learning to love others is the attempt to understand them.
The sins of others can never become the measure of your own.
If there were just one possibility—either to do the good or to combat evil—man would have to opt for the first.
Ultimate audacity: to want to love a person – to say nothing of one's neighbor! – as God loves him.
There is an intensification of negative force at work in the apostate. He resembles a man who works swiftly and surely to erect a wall in order to make the Lord's image, which he knows exactly, disappear and become unrecognizable behind it.
When we make our own calculations, we need so many numbers and factors that any mistake is possible. The Lord's calculation boils down to love.
Christian hope is a vessel in which faith lives; love carries it.
Whoever wants to love is better knowing nothing than too much.
Once a scientific question is settled, it remains interesting and alive only if it draws attention to new questions; every conclusion is meant as a transition to a new beginning.
Only faith can keep what hope promises.