To take part in the African revolution, it is not enough to write a revolutionary song. You must fashion the revolution with the people. And if you fashion it with the people, the songs will come by themselves.
We prefer poverty in liberty than riches in slavery.
An African statesman is not a naked boy begging from rich capitalists.
People of Africa, from now on you are reborn in history, because you mobilize yourself in the struggle and because the struggle before you restores to your own eyes and renders to you, justice in the eyes of the world.
The private trader has a greater sense of responsibility than civil servants, who get paid at the end of each month and only once in a while think of the nation or their own responsibility.
Without being Communists, we believe that the analytical qualities of Marxism and the organization of the people are methods especially well-suited for our country.
People are not born with racial prejudices. For example, children have none. Racial questions are questions of education. Africans learned racism form the European. Is it any wonder that they now think in terms of race - after all they've gone through under colonialism?
We ask you therefore, not to judge us or think of us in terms of what we were -- or even of what we are - but rather to think of us in terms of history and what we will be tomorrow.