We are inflicting opinion in our newscasts like never before. That was never done and never taught in our journalism classes.
I don't want to sound self-righteous, and I don't want to act like I have it all put together.
I want to be honest about my faith, but not preachy, for my viewers and my readers.
Life is short, and time just flies by, so I love those moments when we're all sitting around the table together laughing and joking.
I encourage others to choose a career they are passionate about and can do for the rest of their lives.
I am not perfect, but my faith keeps me as close to the straight and narrow as possible.
The haters out there, I don't really pay attention to them, because I feel like I'm doing the best I can, and I just don't want that negativity into my heart and into my mind.
The moment I stop giving Him the glory is the moment I will fall, and I will fail, and I know that. Because I've experienced that in my life. I've turned my back on Him, and it was the hardest time of my life.
I want to be a journalist; I want to ask tough questions.
How frustrating would it be if you're the president of the United States, and every single time you turn on the TV on most of the channels, they're misconstruing what you say?
Yes, we have our faults. But because of this country, our world is definitely a better place. We are great.
Fox has always allowed us to be ourselves. They've never told us what we can say, what to say, what not to say.