Animals are good human beings and human beings are bad animals.
I engaged in the wildest shenanigans just to distract myself from the horror surrounding me; I was acting according to the motto: if insanity laughs at you, laugh back!
Everyone wants to rule the world . . . Really, absolutely everyone. That's what it's all about, isn't it? That's what it's always about in the end. And every species believes it's number one. Every individual is firmly convinced that he or she alone has the right to ascend to the throne and issue orders to get rid of others. And in reality everyone is fooling themselves, because up there on the throne it's lonely and cold.
The colour grey makes you feel uneasy, makes things seem complicated and hopeless, it upsets the notion of black and white. Good and evil? There is no such thing. There is a little good and a evil, a little black and a little white. Grey is not an attractive colour, but perhaps it is the one that describes the world most accurately.
With one of the most bewitching sounds in the world, its purr, the cat persuades us that it thinks we are wonderful.