If all we are for is black people and white people who like black people, then I have nothing to say to Trump who is only for white people and black people who like him.
Van Jones -
The Love Army is a growing network of people who want to stick up for the underdogs in the red states and blue states in the era of [Donald] Trump.
Van Jones
The thing about this [Donald] Trump phenomenon is that there's a lot of good stuff in it; the anti-elitism, the concern for working class jobs.
Van Jones -
The government built the grid to favor one industry over others. But I don't hear any conservatives screaming about that. Folks don't understand that the elite economic interests that are holding them down are also feeding them a bunch of lies.
Van Jones -
For me, I think that the struggle around how to deal with Islam in the United States is the defining moral struggle of this half of the new century.
Van Jones -
Donald Trump's going to start a war, he's going to start attacking immigrants or Muslims or Black Lives Matter or whatever. Because he's going to have to distract them from the no jobs.
Van Jones -
We actually need conservatives to be better conservatives and we need liberals to be better and stronger liberals.
Van Jones -
The problem is that we didn't fight the way we should've fought. We made it be about [Donald Trump] and [Hillary Clinton] as opposed to making it be about us. If we had said this was a fight, not about "I'm with Her" but "I'm with Us" then maybe we would've had a different attitude toward her.
Van Jones