Sometimes I'm taken aback by it, because I ask myself 'Who am I?' But if by meeting me it makes someone's day then I'm glad to do it.
I'm projecting a nonverbal cry for help.
I wrestled at shows were there was no money to pay us,In Michigan once, they paid us with beer and turkey giblets.
I'm being accused of being a murderer! I'M being ACCUSED of being a molester!... They say my idea of a fun day is a dark lonely field and the urunj of a car, and a large stick and a roll of duct tape! My MOM shops at Wal-Mart! She gets calls all the time now; she's worried about me! I'm not the most emotionally stable guy in the world; I'll admit that... I do have some problems, but my God, I'm not a murderer!
I can remember when I first started out,I weighted maybe 195 soaking wet. I didn't know a wristlock from a hammerlock, but I thought I knew everything. I was just a dumb kid at the time. Boy, did I learn in a hurry! The independents gave me that opportunity to get better.
I couldn't buy my action figure at WalMart - I could have bought a shotgun and live ammo, though. But I don't plan on killing anyone yet.
I have no idea really what I am doing at the PPV, hopefully not a J.O.B.But if so thats not a problem for the chief of the J.O.B. Squad. To say I have prior experience is an understatement.
Friends don't let heads drive drunk!
Wrestling has always been, is, and always will be a mirror of what society is.During certain times in our history we had German guys and Japanese guys as the bad guys. During the 1960s, it was hippies. The kids are more sophisticated now than they've ever been. The world is far more open to them than it was even when I was growing up. And wrestling has to be much more sophisticated to grab an audience. As with anything, you have to be better.
What does everybody want? HEAD!