To accept something on mere presumption and, likewise, to fail to investigate it may cover over, blind, and lead astray.
Al-Farabi -
Widely referred to as “the second teacher,” that is, second after Aristotle, Abū Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad Ibn Ṭarkhān Ibn Awzalagh al-Fārābī (Alfarabi) is generally heralded as having founded political philosophy within the Islamic cultural tradition.
An art, which has an aim to achieve the beauty, is called a philosophy or in the absolute sense it is named wisdom.
Al-Farabi -
A just city should favor justice and the just, hate tyranny and injustice, and give them both their just desserts
Al-Farabi -
Philosophy precedes a religion in the time.
Al-Farabi -
If boy would not fall in love, girl is not worthy of love.
Al-Farabi -
A definition of philosophy and her sense consists in her assignment that it is a science about the being as a being.
Al-Farabi -
A man becomes a person thanks to the intellect.
We can achieve happiness only then when we have a beauty; and we have a beauty thanks to philosophy. The truth is that only because of philosophy we can achieve happiness.
Al-Farabi -
Alfarabi first studied Islamic jurisprudence and music in Bukhara, then moved to Marv, where he began to study logic with a Nestorian Christian monk, Yūḥannā Ibn Haylān.