These guns in the hands of lawful civilians could provide an important means of self-defense, especially for low income people who ca n’t afford them, or the sale of them could help pay for much needed law enforcement equipment to help keep the public safe.
A gun doesn't have the brain to hate with, or a finger to pull the trigger, so the problem isn't the gun.
We are going to fight this vigorously in defense of a state preemption law that has served Washington citizens well for more than three decades.
The devil could be in the details, but I understand the concern. I share it.
After more than two decades of trying to destroy the firearms rights of more than 80 million law-abiding American gun owners - and statistically failing to show any impact on violent crime - the Brady 'Campaign Against Illegal Guns' is yet another crusade whose ultimate goal is to trample the Second Amendment into dust.
But to make it really work, the policy needs to be publicized, so that bad actors know they are more at risk by trying to hurt our children at these facilities.
Like it or not the American people support the term 'background check,' they support the concept of it even though they know it won't work to keep guns out of the hands of criminals they figure 'well if criminals aren't supposed to have guns what's the big deal about a background check.
Defense Distributed is being penalized for trying to educate the public about 3-D guns.
How many more tragedies does it take before we do something? How many more children have to die before this country realizes that No Gun Zones create perfect locations for violence? You can not stop criminals and mad men with laws, you can only stop violence with the fear of armed victims.
That number should really increase after we win on the appeal that the city filed. People right now are not applying because they are chilled by the fact that the city is not complying with the court ruling.