We are showing how determined we are to crack down on the distress nuisance calls cause the public.
Some of the leverage has moved from the employer to the employee.
The Government's first priority on coming to office was to secure long-term economic stability and put an end to the damaging cycle of boom and bust.
It is difficult today to be a professional athlete. It's difficult when you're charged with this for anyone, but especially difficult if you are a professional athlete.
Comfort level is a big deal. You don't have to get to know anybody new or learn personalities. Plus, you already know what he's going to tell you.
We were thinking Wall Street would be flattish for the year, but we fortunately may have undershot.
For people who are able to work again, a job can be itself an important step in the road to recovery and rehabilitation.
The case raises important issues that affect the public's right to know and the government's ability to use the attorney-client privilege as a shield to deny access to documents that reflect its operations at the highest levels.
This investment will contribute towards the renaissance of Hull which is already under well under way.
Coal has had a resurgence - it will be a major aspect of the energy review.
We're often kind and benevolent to senior executives who fail.
The past is history; The future is a mystery; This moment is a gift; That is why this moment is called the present; Enjoy it.