It's important that top clubs don't lose sight of the fact that it's the English Premier League and English players should be involved.
You always have to have faith in your own abilities and that has to be evident to your players.
I tried to push him away with my head. I apologise to everyone. I should not have got involved in it.
I have had situations in the past when you are close to signing a player and the money involved switches from euros to pounds to dollars. It is a difficult process, but one we have to work with.
The one thing I hate about other managers is waffle that is nowhere near the truth. I would never conduct myself like that.
I have to be involved in negotiations because players have to buy into me and what I want from them if they join my club, so all managers need to be fully involved in transfers, that's for sure.
It (Arsenal) is an English club but not an English success. It's probably a greater reflection of youngsters from France and elsewhere in Europe.
If you've had a bad experience with an agent, you have to move past it. You are bound to want a player at some stage who is represented by this guy and you will have to try to work around the personality of the agent. You tend to work out what makes them tick, what they respond to. You have to have tactical plans to get a deal over the line.
You feel vulnerable when you hear things that are not being said.
I didn't listen to half of the criticism I received. I just didn't let it enter my brain. It affects people around me, but it was my job to see through that. When you are in charge of a top club, where expectations are high you have to deal with that.