The BBC is almost certainly the best news organisation in the world – the most serious, comprehensive, ethical, accurate, international, wide-ranging, fair and impartial.
When I look back over some of the most high-profile things we’ve done recently at The Guardian I see an interesting pattern emerging – a form of collaborative journalism that I can best describe as a mutualised newspaper.
We will encourage reporters to be as specific as possible about the source of any anonymous quotation.
There is a widespread feeling that newspapers are failing in their duty of truly representing the complexity of some of the most important issues in society.
All journalism is investigative to a greater or lesser extent, but investigative journalism – though it is a bit of a tautology – is that because it requires more, it's where the investigative element is more pronounced.
In the days when we could take it for granted that journalism mattered, we could only share assumptions about what it was, how it was delivered and funded, but this is not the case any more.
There are plenty who think that, as our libel laws are cleaned up, smart lawyers are switching horses to privacy.
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