Nobody should be too boastful or too proud about their security because there are people who have a major interest in cracking the security of networks, the security of companies.
I'll never forget the first time... I got a Blackberry smartphone, and I'm playing with it and I'm going, 'This is really important because my email, my contacts, my calendar. Everything is here and it's synced up with that computer. It's synced up with my assistant's computer.'
We shook up the industry with our landscape-changing deal to acquire Time Warner, the logical next step in our strategy to bring together world-class content with best-in-class distribution which will drive innovation and more choice for consumers.
When the iPhone came out, every CIO in America said, 'You're not bringing that into our corporate environment,' my CIO included.
We hire military veterans because they make great employees. They bring proven technical and leadership skills. They understand teamwork, and they're adaptable. Bottom line, hiring veterans is good for business.
E-mail, when it became mobile - what happened? Utilization of email went through the roof. Just pure Internet access and data - what happens when you mobilize it? Multiples. People are dependent upon broadband and as you mobilize it, they become even more dependent on broadband.
Our intent is to operate Time Warner as it operates today, with autonomy in its divisions, including the world-class creative talent and journalists that make Time Warner a leader in entertainment and news.
We launched DirecTV Now. Our 5G evolution plans and improved spectrum position are paving the way for the next generation of super-fast mobile and fixed networks.
Get rid of the preferences and the special deductions and the loopholes... and invest in getting the tax rate to a competitive level so we stop seeing companies move off shore.
Over half of the traffic that flows over our networks is coming from video. As you think about a business that is going to be video centric and video focused, you want to have scale on the video programming side to be able to take advantage of this.
Our communities are being destroyed by racial tension - and we're too polite to talk about it.
I'm carrying an iPhone 5. I like this device. It's been impressive. I have a Windows and an Android device... I carry an iPad. I carry a Kindle... Yeah, I have a lot of devices.
AT&T is interested in anything that drives more bandwidth requirements, and Apple TV drives significant bandwidth, and the iPhone drives significant bandwidth, and so I think it's a very logical fit.
This is probably going to surprise people, but if you were to do a scan around the globe on public policy concerning our industry, you would probably have to conclude that the United States has the policy that has been, I believe, the most pro competition.
Speed is the No. 1 thing. Our core competency has been doing exactly this: buying companies and integrating them quickly.
CNN is an American symbol of independent journalism and First Amendment free speech. My board and I are clear: CNN will remain completely independent from an editorial perspective.
I'm not asking you to be tolerant of each other. Tolerance is for cowards. Understand each other.