The fourth paradigm forces us at every point to discern between the creationally valid and the sinfully perverse and thus confronts us with a never-ending task which requires not only competence but also spiritual discernment. Yet this is precisely the task which we must assume, even at the risk of being vague on specifics. The alternative is to compromise basic themes of authentic Christianity.
Christians should actively engage in efforts to make every societal institution assume its own responsibility, warding off the interference of others. That, too, is participation in the restoration of creation and the coming of the kingdom of God.
What we have called the "law" of creation, therefore, is both compelling (laws of nature) and appealing (norms), and the range of its validity can be both sweeping (general) and individualized (particular).
When we read Christ's words "my kingdom is not of this world," many of us are inclined to understand it as an argument against Christian involvement in politics, for example. Instead, Jesus was saying that his kingship does non arise out of (Greek: ek) the perverted earth but derives from heaven.
Judgement has been postponed so that the people of God might witness to God's kingdom and all might repent and enter the kingdom of God.
We are always in danger of rejecting the creational in name of the fall and of accepting the fallen in name of creation.