The First Law: Performance drives success, but when performance can’t be measured, networks drive success.
Keep in mind that imagination is at the heart of all innovation. Crush or constrain it and the fun will vanish.
Today we know more about Jupiter than the guy who lives next door to us. We can predict where an election will go, we can turn a gene on or off, and we can even send a robot to Mars, but we are lost if asked to explain or predict the phenomena we might expect to know the most about, the actions of our fellow humans.
A string of recent breath-taking discoveries has forces us to acknowledge that amazingly simple and far-reaching natural laws govern the structure and evolution of all the complex networks that surround us.
Mark Twain once said that history doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.
Forget dice rolling or boxes of chocolates as metaphors for life. Think of yourself as a dreaming robot on autopilot, and you'll be much closer to the truth.
The Fifth Law: With persistence success can come at any time.
Your success isn’t about you and your performance. It’s about us and how we perceive your performance.